Impact of psychosocial interventions on children with disruptive and emotional disorders treated in a health camp.


OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of a health camp psychosocial intervention on children with behavioural and emotional problems and the impact of a parenting programme for their parents. The practical utility of introducing two outcome measures was also evaluated. METHOD: A total of 157 consecutively referred children, with a range of emotional and behavioural problems, were rated by parents and teachers, before and after their residential stay, using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Concurrent change in parenting attitudes was assessed using the Adult Adolescent Parenting Inventory-2. One hundred parents participated in a parenting programme. Both child and parent outcomes for these parents were contrasted with those of the 57 non-participating parents. RESULTS: The whole group showed significant improvements in SDQ rated Emotional, Conduct, Hyperactive and Total problems. These were of moderate effect size. The parenting programme had minimal impact on parenting attitudes and no adjunctive value was demonstrated. CONCLUSIONS: The Health Camp intervention appeared moderately beneficial for a range of common childhood emotional and behavioural problems. In contrast, there was no demonstrable effect from the parenting programme on either parenting attitudes or child outcomes. The SDQ appeared to have clinical utility as an outcome measure.