Facets of structure and adaptation: A qualitative study of time-limited psychotherapy with children experiencing difficult family situations.


We present here a qualitative study of nine time-limited therapies with children. Time-limited psychotherapy with children is a structured therapeutic method, where the objectives and contents are individual for each child. The number of hours for the therapy is contracted together with the child and the parents. The goal of the therapy is formulated as a shared focus based on the needs of the individual child. The focus is expressed metaphorically and is decided upon together with the child and parents before the therapy is commenced. The therapist’s task is to connect the material that the child brings in to the sessions to the agreed focus. The study showed that a clear framework gave the children and the families the necessary security during the therapy process. Attunement to the children’s experiences within this framework invited the children to communicate their experiences. Parents, teachers and therapists reported in all cases a positive change after the therapies had been concluded.