This article charts the constellation of vision and research that underpin a new era in the Family Court of Australia, focusing on the development and outcomes of two programs that have attempted to meaningfully reinforce the centrality of children’s rights and needs in family court proceedings. The Less Adversarial Trial and its front-end Child Responsive Program (CRP) both aim to minimise the potentially negative effects on parents of a litigation process by application of a more intensive case management model adopted with the intention of altering the parents’ experience of the journey. Key features of this approach include the adoption of inquisitorial techniques, which include direct consultation with children through the CRP, modified application of the rules of evidence, and strong judicial management rather than being party driven. Findings from two studies into the pilot Children’s Cases Program (now the Less Adversarial Trial) and the CRP are discussed. Significantly, evidence is outlined around the capacity of the new processes to impact on both the co-parenting and parent-child relationships and to influence short-term adjustment of complex families in high-conflict dispute. In encouraging a more active focus on children’s needs and views and by facilitating a stronger voice for children in proceedings that affect them, both initiatives advance Australia’s commitments under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.