self-regulation; self-talk; private speech; specific language impairment (SLI); planning; hyperactive and inattentive behaviours
Longitudinal associations between changes in screen-time and mental health outcomes in adolescents.
Screen-time; Mental health; Adolescents; Longitudinal
Influence maternal background has on children’s mental health.
Maternal factors; Children; Mental health; SDQ; Spain
Psychological Profile of Children Who Require Repetitive Surgical Procedures for Early Onset Scoliosis: Is a Poorer Quality of Life the Cost of a Straighter Spine?
Early-onset scoliosis; Growing rods; Traditional growing rod; Psychosocial; Psychology; Behavior; Repetitive surgery
Students’ oppositional behaviors and engagement in school: The differential role of the student-teacher relationship.
Classroom engagement; Oppositional behaviors; Student-teacher relationship; Closeness; Conflict
The SIGHT questionnaire: A novel assessment tool for Satisfaction In Genital Hypospadias Treatment.
Hypospadias; SDQ; Psychosexual development; Adolescence
Spouse and family functioning before and after a Marine’s suicide: Comparisons to deaths by accident and in combat.
suicide; bereavement; family; stigma; military
Patterns of everyday functioning in preschool children born preterm and at term.
Everyday functioning; Children born preterm; Child development; Person-oriented research; Cluster analysis
Gender specificity of children’s narrative representations in predicting depressive symptoms at early school age.
Childhood depression; Maternal depression; Narrative representations; Preschool/school age; Gender differences