Assessment of psychosocial features and quality of life of typically developing siblings of children who diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder.


Objective: The aim of this study is to compare typically developing siblings of children, who were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), with typically developing children matched by sociodemographic characteristics, in terms of psychosocial features and quality of life. Methods: Forty-one typically developing siblings of 41 cases who diagnosed autistic disorder, Asperger disorder and pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified according to DSM IV-TR and 43 controls of typically developing controls, who has no history of any psychiatric disorder in their family, were included. Psychiatric diagnostic interview were applied to all children who admitted to the study. Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and Pediatric Quality of Life Questionnaire were applied to case and control groups. Childhood Autism Rating Scale and Pediatric Quality of Life Questionnaire-parent form and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire-parent form were applied to parent of case and control groups. Results: The physical health total scores, emotional functioning scores, psychosocial health total scores and total scores of Pediatric Quality of Life Questionnaire and prosocial subscale scores of Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire were significantly lower in case group. Conclusion: It can be considered that even typically developing siblings of children who diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder have no psychiatric diagnosis according to international diagnostic criteria, these children have negative self-evaluation in physical and social areas and their parents are not enough to be aware of difficulties that these children experienced. Abstract (Turkish) Amac: Bu calismanin amaci, otizm spektrum bozuklugu (OSB) olan cocuklarin saglikli gelisim gosteren kardeslerinin psikososyal ozellikler ve yasam kalitesi acisindan yas ve cinsiyet gibi sosyodemografik ozellikleri bire bir eslestirilmis saglikli gelisim gosteren cocuklar ile karsilastirmaktir. Yontem: Calismaya DSM IV-TR’ye gore otistik bozukluk, Asperger bozuklugu ve yaygin gelisimsel bozukluk-baska turlu adlandirilamayan tanili 41 hastanin saglikli gelisim gosteren 41 kardesi ve ailesinde herhangi bir psikiyatrik bozukluk oykusu olmayan ve saglikli gelisim gosteren 43 kontrol alindi. Calismaya katilan tum cocuklar ile tanisal bir psikiyatrik gorusme yapilmistir. Olgu ve kontrol grubuna Gucler Guclukler Anketi, Cocuklar icin Yasam Kalitesi Olcegi uygulanmistir. Olgu ve kontrol grubundaki cocuklarin anne-babalarina Cocukluk Otizm Degerlendirme Olcegi, Cocuklar icin Yasam Kalitesi Olcegi Anne-Baba Formu, Gucler Guclukler Anketi Anne-Baba Formu uygulanmistir. Sonuclar: Olgu grubunun Yasam Kalitesi Olcegi fiziksel saglik toplam puani, duygusal islevsellik puani, psikososyal saglik toplam puani ve olcek toplam puani ile Gucler Guclukler Anketi prososyal davranis alt olcek puani anlamli olarak daha dusuktu. Tartisma: OSB’li cocuklarin saglikli kardesleri uluslararasi tani olcutlerine gore herhangi bir psikiyatrik bozukluk olcutunu karsilamasalar bile, bu cocuklarin duygusal ve fiziksel alanda kendilerini olumsuz degerlendirdikleri, anne-babalarin da bu cocuklarin yasadiklari zorluklarin yeterince farkinda olmadigi dusunulebilir.