Executive function deficits in autism spectrum disorders and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Examining profiles across domains and ages.
Asperger syndrome; attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; autism spectrum disorders; executive function; development; inhibition; flexibility; planning
Identifying Children’s Needs When Parents Access Drug Treatment: The Utility of a Brief Screening Measure.
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ); validity; children; screening; families; drug and alcohol treatment
A pilot study of psychopathology in Developmental Coordination Disorder.
assessment;comorbidity;developmental coordination disorders;mental health;paediatric
Asthma as a barrier to children’s physical activity: implications for body mass index and mental health.
asthma; obesity; exercise; psychological impact; child
Cognitive-behavioural Group Intervention for PTSD Symptoms in Children Following the Athens 1999 Earthquake: A Pilot Study.
CBT; disaster; earthquake; group treatment; PTSD
Child, parent and family factors as predictors of adjustment for siblings of children with a disability.
adjustment; carers; family; intellectual disability; parents; siblings
Knee-ankle-foot orthosis in children with duchenne muscular dystrophy: user views and adjustment.
KAFOS; muscular dystrophy; psychosocial adjustment