Children’s adjustment;contact;visitation;divorce;courts
Reading emotions after childhood brain injury: Case series evidence of dissociation between cognitive abilities and emotional expression processing skills.
Paediatrics; brain injuries; emotions; non-verbal communication
Psychometric evaluation of the OM8-30 questionnaire in Dutch children with otitis media.
Otitis media; Functional health status; Questionnaire; Standardisation; Children
Behaviour problems and social competence deficits associated with symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Effects of age and gender.
attention; hyperactivity; impulsivity; gender; age
Exposure to war trauma and PTSD among parents and children in the Gaza strip.
war; trauma; parents; child; PTSD
The provision and nature of ADHD services for children/adolescents in the UK: Results from a nationwide survey.
ADHD; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; service evaluation; United Kingdom
The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire as a screening instrument in a community sample of high school seniors in Sweden.
Adolescents; Screening; Self-report; Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ); Validation.