Developmental psychopathology; psychosis; risk factors
Relationships between parental negativity and childhood antisocial behavior over time: A bidirectional effects model in a longitudinal genetically informative design.
parenting; antisocial behavior; twins; longitudinal; genetics
Callous-unemotional traits and antisocial behavior: Genetic, environmental, and early parenting characteristics.
parenting; callous-unemotional; antisocial behavior; twins; longitudinal; genetics
Student Risk Screening Scale: Initial evidence for score reliability and validity at the high school level.
systematic screening; antisocial behavior; emotional and behavioral disorders
Effects of prolonged and exclusive breastfeeding on child behavior and maternal adjustment: evidence from a large, randomized trial.
breastfeeding; child behavior; conduct disorder; ADHD; peer relations; randomized trial
Economic deprivation, maternal depression, parenting and children’s cognitive and emotional development in early childhood.
Poverty;maternal depression;parenting;cognitive development;behaviour problems;Structural Equation Modelling
Autism spectrum symptomatology in children: The impact of family and peer relationships.
Autism spectrum disorder; Asperger’s syndrome; Autism; Family; Peers; Conflict; Support