children;intellectual disability;mental health problems;Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
Efficacy of the Incredible Years Programme as an early intervention for children with conduct problems and ADHD: Long-term follow-up.
ADHD;conduct disorder;Incredible Years;long-term follow-up;parenting
Temperament profiles from infancy to middle childhood: Development and associations with behavior problems.
temperament; cluster analysis; longitudinal studies; behavior problems; childhood development
Feeling fat rather than being fat may be associated with psychological well-being in young Dutch adolescents.
Overweight; Psychological well-being; Weight perception; Adolescents
Behavioral problems among children attending private and community schools in Karachi, Pakistan.
conduct problems; risk factors; child psychiatry; private schools; community schools
How often are German children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD? Prevalence based on the judgment of health care professionals: results of the German health and examination survey (KiGGS).
prevalence; Germany; ADHD; children; adolescents
Hot and cool forms of inhibitory control and externalizing behavior in children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy: An exploratory study.
Prenatal smoking; Hot and cool executive functioning; inhibitory control; Conduct problems; Hyperactivity
Does executive function matter for preschoolers’ problem behaviors?
Executive function; Problem behaviors; Longitudinal; Theory of mind
Empathy in preschool children: The development of the Southampton Test of Empathy for Preschoolers (STEP).
empathy; measurement; preschoolers; validity; reliability