Different psychological effects of cannabis use in adolescents at genetic high risk for schizophrenia and with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Schizophrenia; High-risk; Cannabis; Mental health; ADHD
Assessing psychopathological problems of children and adolescents from 3 to 17 years in a nationwide representative sample: results of the German health interview and examination survey for children and adolescents (KiGGS).
SDQ ; mental health problems; children and adolescents; KiGGS; age; gender; socio-economic status; migration status; public health
Disordered eating behaviour and attitudes, associated psychopathology and health-related quality of life: Results of the BELLA study.
disordered eating; psychopathology; body mass index; health-related quality of life
The impact of chronic pain in children and adolescents: Development and initial validation of a child and parent version of the Pain Experience Questionnaire.
Pediatric pain; Psychosocial impact; Assessment; Questionnaire; Child report; Parental report
The Nordic advantage in child mental health: separating health differences from reporting style in a cross-cultural comparison of psychopathology.
cross-cultural; comparison; child; psychopathology; informant
Facets of structure and adaptation: A qualitative study of time-limited psychotherapy with children experiencing difficult family situations.
children; focus; intersubjective; psychotherapy; time limited
Electroencephalographic sleep profiles and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA)-activity in kindergarten children: Early indication of poor sleep quality associated with increased cortisol secretion.
kindergarten children; polysomnography; free saliva cortisol; HPA-system; sleep patterns; psychosocial assessment
Reducing child abuse potential in families identified by social services: Implications for assessment and treatment.
child protection; child maltreatment; parenting; child development; program evaluation