Predictors of service use for mental health problems among British schoolchildren.
service use;child and adolescent mental health;epidemiology
Psychopathology and prosocial behavior in adolescents from socio-economically disadvantaged families: the role of proximal and distal adverse life events.
adolescence; contextual risk; multivariate response models; psychopathology
Fathering and adolescents’ psychological adjustment: the role of fathers’ involvement, residence and biology status.
father’s involvement;fathering;Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
Which children receive grandparental care and what effect does it have?
Mental health and quality of life in deaf pupils.
deafness; mental health in childhood; quality of life
Neighbourhood perceptions among inner-city adolescents: Relationships with their individual characteristics and with independently assessed neighbourhood conditions.
adolescents; urban deprivation indicators; area amenities; area attachment; environmental perception; psychological distress; health; geography
Women with non-Swedish speaking background and their children: A longitudinal study of uptake of care and maternal and child health.
antenatal care;child health care;depression;parental education;self-rated health
Origins of Social Immobility and Inequality: Parenting and Early Child Development.
Child development; social mobility; parental investment