Objective: To examine objective and subjective reports of sleep disturbance in school-aged children who had sustained mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) at least 6 months prior to the study. Methods: Eighteen children aged 7-12 years with a history of mild TBI (GCS 13-15. LOC < 15 min) were compared to 30 children with orthopedic injuries using actigraphy and parental and self-report sleep questionnaires. Results: Parents reported greater sleep disturbance in the mild TBI group. No significant differences were found in parental ratings of daytime sleepiness, child-reported sleep difficulties, or objective (actigraph) sleep measures. Conclusions: The finding of greater parental reports of sleep disturbance following mild TBI 6 months after injury requires greater exploration and future research with a larger sample followed from the point of injury would seem appropriate.