This study aimed to adapt the Resilience Youth Development Module (RYDM) and assess its psychometric properties in terms of internal consistency and convergent validity in Greek elementary students. Participants (N = 346) completed a battery of self-report questionnaires, including the RYDM, School Connectedness Scale, and Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients indicated that the reliability of the RYDM is satisfactory. The confirmatory factor analysis results demonstrated that the proposed structure, which derived from the explorative principal component analyses of the RYDM’s internal and external assets, adequately fit the current data. Moreover, the canonical functions derived from the canonical correlation analysis provided evidence for the convergent validity of the RYDM. In conclusion, the RYDM is a psychometrically sound measure, and it can be applied to assess internal and external resilience assets in Greek school-aged children.