Seven per cent of individuals with learning disabilities also display challenging behaviour (Challenging behaviour: analysis and intervention in people with severe intellectual disabilities, 2001, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press), which has an effect on the whole family. Services need to be developed to support and reflect this need (Better health, better lives: children and young people with intellectual disabilities and their families, 2010, Romania, Bucherest). This is a retrospective pre- and postevaluation study examining the utility of specific outcome measures assessing the effectiveness of interventions addressing behavioural problems within a Family Intensive Support Service (FISS). After one year, FISS successfully reduced problematic behaviours and increased a sense of coping and ability to manage the behaviour for parents. The outcome measures used were sensitive enough to show change on specific subscales of the measure. Further research is needed to look at whether there is a need to create a new measure encapsulating the best elements of these measures.