School-age children who live with recurrent maternal depression: Differences between the sexes.


Research shows divergent data on the differences between the sexes in the association between maternal depression and children development. The objective of this study was to compare differences between the sexes concerning the behavior and school performance of children living with maternal depression, correlating such outcomes. Participants were 40 mother-child dyads, with mothers diagnosed with Recurrent Depressive Disorder. The children, 7 to 12 years old, were divided into groups by sex. The procedures involved the application of diagnostic interview, the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the School Performance Test. Girls showed more emotional symptoms than boys. Significant associations between behavior and school performance were found for girls only, indicating greater vulnerability of them. Abstract (Portuguese) Ha divergencias na literatura quanto as diferencas entre os sexos na associacao entre depressao materna e desenvolvimento infantil. Neste estudo, compararam-se diferencas entre os sexos relativas ao comportamento e desempenho escolar de criancas que conviviam com a depressao materna, correlacionando tais desfechos. Participaram 40 diades maecrianca, tendo as maes diagnostico de Transtorno Depressivo Recorrente. As criancas, de sete a 12 anos, foram divididas em grupos por sexo. Foi realizada aplicacao de entrevista diagnostica, do Questionario de Capacidades e Dificuldades e do Teste de Desempenho Escolar. As meninas apresentaram mais sintomas emocionais comparadas aos meninos. Constataram-se associacoes significativas entre comportamento e desempenho escolar apenas para as meninas, sinalizando maior vulnerabilidade destas meninas.