The Parting Parent Concern Inventory: Parents’ appraisals correlate with divorced family functioning.


When married parents go through a divorce, they may have concerns in 6 areas that are associated with postdivorce family adjustment. These include concerns about malice, power, custody, child rejection, esteem, and finances. The Parting Parent Concern Inventory assesses these concerns. It was developed in a series of preliminary studies, and this report focuses on results from 2 subsequent validation studies including 643 divorced parents with at least 1 child from their former marriage under the age of 18. Participants completed Internet assessments of their concerns and 14 different convergent validity criterion variables regarding aspects of child internalizing behavior, coparenting relationships, settlement outcomes, and personal well-being. Across both studies, the new measure of concerns fit an expected 6-dimensional factor structure. A total of 25 convergent validity correlations were tested, and all were significant. The distinctiveness of each concern scale was supported by the fact that all but 1 convergent association remained significant after controlling for variance explained by other concern scales. These results provide preliminary validation support for the new instrument.